The Amalfi Coast’s Tasty Limoncello, Recipe from Cruises-N-More and Viking Cruises
This tangy liqueur has long been one of Italy’s favorite after-dinner drinks. Join Karine to discover how simple it is to make this refreshing and iconic Sorrento digestif at home.
7 lemons (Sorrento variety if available)
1 qt (1 l) unflavored grain alcohol* (highest proof available)
3 C (700 g) sugar
1 qt (1 l) water
Peel only the yellow part of lemons in long strips; be careful not to include the white rind. Place peel and alcohol into a 2-qt (2-l) covered jar; leave at room temperature at least 2 or up to 7 days. The higher proof the alcohol, the faster and more concentrated the infusion. When the infusion has sufficient lemon flavor (taste to test), strain through cheesecloth; set aside. Over high heat in a saucepan, bring sugar and water to a boil, stirring constantly until completely dissolved; cool to room temperature. Combine syrup and alcohol, stirring well to combine. Store in sealed glass bottles. Keeps 1–2 years in a cool place; or, keep refrigerated or in the freezer (the alcohol keeps it from freezing). Serve chilled.
*If you cannot find grain alcohol, substitute vodka.
Prep time: About 1 hour, plus 2–7 days to infuse. Makes 32 servings.
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